Journey of the Visionary Developer
In business, as in life, stories can captivate the heart, stir the imagination and create the desire to act.Story telling is an ancient art that dates back thousands of years, but we shouldn't underestimate its effectiveness as a learning and motivational tool.
This beautiful life has carried me through an emotional and inspiring journey that I want to share with you.
Here is an example of one that I wrote for myself and I want to share it with you. I had this posted everywhere in my house including, mirrors, refrigerators, car including work.
"I am truly accepting and looking forward to moving to the next level in life! Giving is more of my desire in life than it is to receive! That will be my legacy... I have a vision that keeps me motivated. I can see it, feel it and experience it in my mind and heart. I have a strategy and a passion to live the truth. I am flexible and willing to take risk. I will surround myself with a strong nucleus. I have taken action to set my priorities and stay committed to managing my mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health."
"Before you can ever be in any relationship you must acquire the trust and friendship. Someone that understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you the way that you are."
In the beginning Chapter 1
"It's beauty that captures your attentions; personality that captures your heart."

He was part of the 7th army parachute team in Munich, Germany.
Even at such a young age you could feel the passion that he had for the sport and including the the relationships that he had with his team.

Competing in parachuting competitions and amazing the parachuting world with their record of 408 national champions, 65 world champions, and 14 national and six world team titles in formation skydiving.
In addition to those accomplishments, they also claim the only six-time world champion parachutist in formation skydiving and the only three consecutive time national champion parachutist in style and accuracy parachuting. These impressive feats have made them not only the most-winning U.S. Department of Defense sports team, but also the most-winning parachute team in the world.
In march of 1973 my father was sitting in my bedroom with me. He told me that he was going on a trip and that I had to be respectful to mom and remember that I had to be the man of the house while he was gone. Later that day I remember my mom being uncontrollably upset with the TV being on. My father and 13 other members were killed in a plane crash. I didn't understand what was going on at the time but just watched recently the video of Walter Cronkite breaking the news of the accident. It was amazing to watch a part of history and of course the famous news reporter that was so respected in United States.
That may seem kind of strange to some of you and maybe a bit twisted. I'm not sad or upset but blessed that this was the very first lesson in life that I remember. My father passed on a legacy that has been branded into my body, mind and spirit. "He did what he loved to do!"
He was a good will ambassador for the United States. Traveling the world in what I would call the flying circus, with the United States Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, Thunderbirds He would preform in front of hundreds of thousand of people, inspiring them that they could do anything!
I end this chapter with a famous quote. " Do what you love to do and you will never work a day in your life"