"Good judgement comes from experience. Sometimes, experience comes from bad judgement."
We have all have learned our lessons from bad judgements. But sometimes in life the things that we look back on that we thought were bad judgements were really blessings in disguise.
For example I can look back at some of my relationships and wonder what the heck was I thinking. But if I really step back and take a closer look I realize that some of those things made me a stronger person.
After my father passed away we were living in North Carolina. I never really understood what being judged by your race was all about. I would be invited to churches and other events and be told that you were not allowed to come back because I was part Japanese.
One of the memories was when my mom and I got on a bus to go across town. I wanted to sit up in the front of the bus. But was told to get my ass to the back of the bus where I belong. My mother grabbed my hand and we went to the back of the bus.
What's so inspiring about this is she never showed anger or went through life bitching about how people treat her differently.
She always kept on smiling and always volunteered in our community in helping making a difference in peoples lives. Because of her she has inspired me to live a life of charitable acts of kindness.
Wire yourself to remember all the judgements that inspire you to do great things! All the other judgments that are negative do not let them hinder you because you have greater purpose in life..so head toward your destiny.
Charitable Groups that I am working on Children's Charity Foundation.com with Justin Fatzer and My Cancer Survival Kit.com I'm working with Peter Mahrle.