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There are many questions and theories on how they got started? How and where did they get started. What did they do before they became rich and famous (famous by Internet standards). What do all Gurus have in common?
I'll try to anwer that question below.
1. Many gurus were just the average joe. They were gardner's, carpenters, social workers, radio dee jays, musicians, body builders, cooks, teachers and middle class income type of citizens. Many of these guru's already had what it takes to become successful. It certainly is not a whole lot of brains. What they do have is a fierce determination to succeed. Most were successful with their offline business they just applied that determination online.
2. The intelligence level of most gurus are by their own admission average. Most got started by building a website about what they knew offline. They were smart enough to know that by starting a website or blog and slowly built their subscriber list they could now continue to market their products again, and again. They now have the knowledge to do "Successful Internet Marketing".
3. What they all have in common are several if not hundreds of large lists of people they can continually market too. Most gurus know each other quite well. They often do joint ventures which means they come up with an idea and pitch it to another guru. Once the marketing idea is complete each guru will now email it to each others list. In other words guru "A" now has his idea on guru "B's" list and vice a versa. This will double someone's list almost overnight! This is called a "Joint Venture".
4. They are continually on the lookout for new and great ideas. The newest craze are videos, and membership sites. And finally the real answer to the question is this "They all make money from the rest of us"!
5. You need to surround your self with people that have more knowledge than you. Spend time doing what you do best and let the others do the same.
6. There are a plethora of other ways to become successful but if you are looking for the easiest and most affordable I suggest to do number "5".